According to, "while the danger from winter weather varies across the country, nearly all Americans, regardless of where they live, are likely to face some type of severe winter weather at some point in their lives." Getting prepared for any natural disaster is important, but in the aftermath of Snow Storm Jonas here on the East Coast, staying prepared for severe winter weather has proven to be vital to everyone's safety and well-being.
"The National Weather Service refers to winter storms as the “Deceptive Killers” because most deaths are indirectly related to the storm. Instead, people die in traffic accidents on icy roads and of hypothermia from prolonged exposure to cold. It is important to be prepared for winter weather before it strikes."
According to, here is a list of recommended contents to keep in your kit this winter:
- A shovel
- Windshield scraper and small broom
- Flashlight
- Battery powered radio
- Extra batteries
- Water
- Snack food
- Matches
- Extra hats, socks and mittens
- First aid kit with pocket knife
- Necessary medications
- Blanket(s)
- Tow chain or rope
- Road salt and sand
- Booster cables
- Emergency flares
- Fluorescent distress flag

Having trusted, high quality items in your cold weather preparedness kit is essential to the overall function of the kit in emergency situations. You can find these items and more on our products page where we have created a category that allows you to browse hand picked, top-of-the-line products to build a better cold weather emergency kit. Don't forget to check out our exclusive TACOPS® line of products. Create a customized kit or purchase a field-ready kit already stocked with supplies!