July 27, 2023

NOBLE Shines at NDIA CBRN Defense Conference 2023

NOBLE took center stage in Baltimore, MD, this week at the NDIA CBRN Defense Conference and Exhibition. This annual event's 2023 iteration took place July 24-26, with a central theme "Biodefense and Pandemic Preparedness in an Era of Persistent Conflict."

output-tom1-2048long-4x5Tom Noble, co-founder and CEO of NOBLE, took part in NDIA’s CBRN Defense Conference & Exhibition Panel on Industry perspective on innovating in the current conditions. The panel was moderated by COL Ron Fizer, USA (Ret) and included other panelists Doug Wagoner, President & CEO, LMI; Amir Genosar, President & CEO, Aktiv Pharma Group; and David Gagliano, Senior Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton Digital Transformation.

Another familiar face at the conference was COL Jay Reckard USA (Ret), NOBLE President Technical Solutions and Training, who moderated a panel discussing "The Right Way to do Interagency Collaboration."


This panel consisted of Kelly Johnston, Program Manager for Biothreat Characterization, Science & Technology Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security; Lindsay Longobardi, Deputy Joint Project Lead, Enabling Biotechnologies, Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense; and Dr. Helen Cui, Senior Director, National Nuclear Security Administration, Bioassurance Program.

Reflecting on the importance of the conference, Jay Reckard remarked, "The NDIA CBRN Conference provides the unique opportunity for us to directly engage DoD and Interagency Leadership."

He continued, "It was a great opportunity to introduce the capabilities of NOBLE to a diverse audience and to highlight the importance of building readiness to defeat future CBRN threats."

With one day remaining of the conference, we invite attendees to visit the NOBLE at booth 502 in the exhibit hall to meet our CBRN subject matter experts and to learn more about our capabilities in the CBRN defense space. Also on display in the NOBLE booth:

Learn more about NOBLE's CBRNE capabilities here.

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