TSSi's very own TACOPS® line features a variety of first aid kits built at the request of different agencies across the U.S.
These kits are designed to allow an officer, or an individual act as the first responder during an emergency medical situation until a medical team arrives. Our first aid kits are stocked with quality medical gear to treat minor or major injuries sustained while in the field. Agencies can also customize the contents of any of our kits to best fit their preferences.
We're highlighting a few of our first aid kits. Visit our TACOPS® page for the full line of medical kits and packs!
The TACOPS® Officer First Aid Kit or the OFAK was designed at the request of a large California law enforcement agency to give their officers the ability to treat multiple casualties having life threatening injuries from a single kit. Talk about packing a punch! Check out our latest blog on the OFAK for more details!

The TACOPS® Individual Officer Trauma Kit or IOTK is similar to the OFAK in that it was designed for officers to respond in emergency medical situations until the arrival of certified medical personnel.

The TACOPS® Emergency First Aid Kit was designed to economically provide proper medical components to treat a variety of moderate to life-threatening injuries. Unlike standard store-bought first aid kits, the EAK contains items that many of TSSi's military medical pouches which allows an individual to treat anything from sprains and broken bones to burns and sever bleeding. This kit weighs less than two pounds and can be easily stored in the home, any vehicle, or taken on outdoor excursions.

The TACOPS® Range First Aid Kit was designed to treat minor to life-threatening injuries that may occur on today's modern firearms and training ranges. Unlike other kits, the RFAK is a highly visible case and contains you need to treat possible injuries. Other first aid kits similar to the RFAK are the TACOPS® Firearms Instructor First Aid Kit and the TACOPS® Outfitter's Base Camp First Aid Kit.
TACOPS® products are available for purchase for individuals and agencies. Contact our sales team if you're interested in purchasing or customizing a kit today!
*Photo by Scott Davidson via Flickr, Edited by TSSi