June 27, 2019

Chemical of the Month - HazMatIQ Version 20

Chemical of the Month Returns with an all new COTM series and the biggest update since HazMatIQ was created!

Cris Aguirre and Joe Gorman discuss the latest HazMatIQ System Playbook, Version 20, and detail all the changes to the charts to help you better assess a threat faster than before.

HazMatIQ v20 Chart Updates

+ New HazMatIQ Charts
- Expanded Mission Driven PPE Guidance
- Flow Chart for Unknowns

+ Above- & Below-the-Line Chemical Families

+ Below-the-Line First Names

+ Homemade Explosive HME Threat Updates

+ Ammonium Nitrate Lessons Learned

+ Yellow Lights Introduction & Red Light Updates for Risk-Based Response

+ HazMatIQ Research Forms for Knowns & Unknowns

+ Test Paper Guidance Updates Including pH, F & KI

+ Dust Explosion Hazards Including MEC

+ And Many More Updates Based on Student & Instructor Feedback

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