In 2014, the U.S. Air Force wrote “nearly 1,500 Airmen are still missing and unaccounted-for from various conflicts and there are more than 83,000 Americans still unaccounted-for across the Defense Department.”
National POW/MIA Day is a day of remembrance for those across the Defense Department who are currently missing in action and their sacrifices and service to this great country. Not only have those members made great sacrifice, their families have as well and continue to long for the return of their loved ones. Each year, “the nation pauses on the third Friday of September.” This year the observance is September 18.
The Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) “along with hundreds of Defense Departments personnel work in organizations around the world dedicated to the mission of finding and bringing our sons and daughters back home as well as providing continued support to their families. Since the 2013 National POW/MIA Recognition Day, six Airmen previously unaccounted-for from the Vietnam War were brought home to their families.”
This is a day of honor and recognition for those still missing as well as a day of support for their families. The U.S. government is committed to the mission of locating all those lost. “Strong, united support by the American people is crucial to achieving concrete answers.”
Today, TSSi recognizes those service men and women still missing in action and their families. We stand behind the mission and efforts of the organizations committed to finding those “Airmen still unaccounted-for from the Korean, Cold and Vietnam Wars.”
We would also like to recognize this day as a truly historic day as the Air Force itself celebrates its 68th birthday. Since its beginning in 1947, “history has shown the wisdom and foresight of the creation of a separate Air Force. The US Air Force emerged quickly from its cradle and began to create its own history and heritage.”
TSSi joins the Air Force in its celebration of its value as an established aerial military group and its service to our nation.