Photo property of Official U.S. Navy Page via Flickr, Edited by TSSi
May is National Military Appreciation Month where we show our support to all branches of the military and the service men and women who have sacrificed so much to serve our country.
According to U.S. Army MWR, “congress designated May as National Military Appreciation Month in 1999 to encourage the nation to publicly demonstrate their appreciation for the sacrifices and successes made by our service members.”
Here are 9 Ways to Support Our Military & Veterans:
- Display the American flag on your home or business.
- Engage media to highlight military and veterans events.
- Send a care package to a soldier through USO care package programs.
- Encourage elected officials at all levels to recognize our military and veterans.
- Veterans Salute Veterans! If you are one and you see one, render a proper salute!
- When offering military discounts, include all who serve & have served.
- When you see a person in military uniform, shake their hand and thank them for their service.
- May is also American Military History Month. Encourage schools to include military history curriculum in May.
- Hire a veteran!
Visit www.nmam.org for more information about National Military Appreciation Month!
TSSi celebrates those who once served our country, those who choose to serve today, and the families that support these great men and women, past and present.

Photo property of Official U.S. Navy Page via Flickr